Adult Forum with Edie Twining, April 14th

Join us for a brief review of the Halls Road Improvements project. Initiated in 2015, the HRIC is equipped with a masterplan (2019) to follow for Public Improvements and Private Development opportunities. New sidewalks, pedestrian bridge & trails design, overlay...

Walking In Their Footsteps

The 5-day civil rights learning trip for teens is departing this Saturday, April 6th – April 11th . They will fly round trip to Atlanta, Georgia and visit sights there and then drive to Montgomery and Selma, Alabama, among other places. There will be 26...

Walk To End Homelessness

Join the FCCOL Team for the 2024 Walk to End Homelessness, Sunday, April 28. The event kicks off at noon with live music and sign-in at Parade Plaza, New London, and the Walk starts at 1pm. To participate, go to and Register your name with email...

Palestine Museum Visit

Sunday, April 14th: Have you ever been to the Palestine Museum in Woodbridge? Join us as we support the resilient spirit and arts of our Palestinian neighbors, especially needed during this time of war. Those who wish to eat a Mediterranean lunch ahead of time will...