God’s Neighborhood Homecoming Sunday

Sunday, September 8th: Homecoming Sunday begins at the 10:00 am service when church programming for the academic year begins in earnest and God’s Neighborhood Sunday School kicks off!

Sunday, September 15th: God’s Neighborhood Open House and Reception following the church service.

Sunday, September 29th: FCCOL Family Picnic, Kayaking and Fun at Camp Claire, Oakland Avenue, Lyme, CT. 3:00-6:00 pm.
See our private Facebook page, FCCOL Families, for announcements, news updates, and pictures only visible to families who are part of our God’s Neighborhood Program. Please join our group to stay connected! We will continue to send out regular communications through weekly emails as well. By registering your children you will be included in these emails. High school youth and their parents will be included in email communications.