We asked for diapers and you responded.  On October 8th, 70 babies and toddlers received diapers and wipes.

We asked for diapers and received food.  Every week a gentle, kind spirit leaves several cases of baby food, including fruits, vegetables, meats, and grain
cereal.  This man has faithfully supplied food since COVID.  Every month, without fail, each baby receives a bag of these nutritional items. This individual saw a need and quietly addressed it.

We asked for diapers and received baby formula. Another nameless donor(s) saw this urgent need and has supplied several cases, including formula for preemies, and those babies with sensitive digestive systems. Again, someone looking at the whole child in ways the Diaper Bank is not equipped to do.

We asked for diapers and received infant clothes for a girl.  A woman heard of the Diaper Bank from a neighbor and reached out to us.  We don’t accept clothes, as a rule, and the woman assured me these items were nearly new. The clothes were beautiful and bountiful.  Three bundles of clothes were gently wrapped in ribbon and given to new mothers.  The look of the smile and surprise expressed gratitude that could not be put into words. 

We asked for diapers and received two small tricycles.  My grandson, Luca, recently received his first “real” bike, complete with training wheels.  After practicing his balancing skills up and down the driveway, for what seemed like a very long time, he got off his bike and said, “Nammy, I have an idea.  I can give my old bikes to the babies at the diaper bank.” Out of the mouths of children, we learned a little more about giving.  (As a rule, toys are not accepted and this was an exception.)

We are asking for diapers.  Our inventory is especially low for sizes 5 and 6.  Baby wipes are also always appreciated.

The next Diaper Bank Saturday is November 5th