by FCCofOldLyme | Announcements, Ministry
January 12th and 26th, Wednesdays 10:00-11:00 am “Stories, no matter how simple, can be vehicles of truth; can be, in fact, icons.” -Madeleine L’Engle Come and join us for writing practice within a safe space as we share ourselves and the journey. No writing...
by FCCofOldLyme | Announcements, Ministry
We will meet to continue the discussion of Richard Rohr’s Falling Upward on Wednesday, January 12th at 11:00 am via zoom. Hope you can join us. All welcome! New members, please email Martha Beaudoin for Zoom link at...
by FCCofOldLyme | Announcements, Outreach
We will reconvene in the Sheffield Auditorium on Monday, January 10th, returning to our pre-COVID hours of 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. We welcome visitors and shoppers while we work and the Partnership Store will also be open during that time. Due to the generosity, time,...
by FCCofOldLyme | Announcements, Outreach
We’re gathering volunteers for a day of home construction with Habitat for Humanity. Our next build day is January 8th. We’ll be working on a project in Norwich, where 10 homes are being constructed concurrently. We need a team of 10 to 12 volunteers who...
by FCCofOldLyme | Announcements, Ministry
Becky’s Bible Study will only meet once during the month of January. January 6th is Epiphany, a day that celebrates the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi. On this special day we will look at the story of Three Kings and all its...
by FCCofOldLyme | Announcements
When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.-Maya Angelou Christmas came early for the guests of the Diaper Bank. On December 4th, 64 cases of diapers were distributed to 47 families. Fourteen of these families have more than one child in...
by FCCofOldLyme | Announcements, Ministry
The January 2022 issue of the church’s printed newsletter has been published. View or download it...
by FCCofOldLyme | Announcements, Messages
The Christmas Eve Schedule has been updated amid concerns of the Omicron variant. Masks are required for all in-person services, and vaccinations and boosters are strongly encouraged. 5PM Living Manger – Our 5pm service, catered for families and young children,...
by FCCofOldLyme | Announcements, Ministry
Annual Christmas Pageant Sunday, December 19 at 5:00 PM Christmas Eve Services* Friday, December 24 5:00 PM – The Living Manger Service for families with young children 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM – Candlelight Service of Lessons & Carols Sunday, December...
by FCCofOldLyme | Announcements
Wow! When good teams get to work, great success happens. That’s how we all felt about the first annual Partnership Holiday Sale. LWS is deeply grateful for the generosity, time and talent that resulted in such a successful sale. It took planning, publicity,...
by FCCofOldLyme | Announcements, Ministry
We will be reading and discussing Richard Rohr’s Falling Upward in December and January. Please join us on Wednesday, December 15th, via Zoom at 11:00 am. New members please email Martha Beaudoin at All...
by FCCofOldLyme | Announcements, Outreach
Our next Habitat Build Day is Saturday, December 11th. We’re gathering volunteers for a day of home construction with Habitat for Humanity. We’ll be working on a project in Norwich, where 10 homes are being constructed concurrently. We need a team of 10 to 12...
by FCCofOldLyme | Announcements, Ministry
We will continue studying the Pentateuch (the first 5 books of the Bible- also called the Torah). After finishing Genesis and Exodus, we will study over the next few months 2 weeks of Leviticus, 3 weeks of Numbers, and 3 weeks of Deuteronomy. We will work on...
by FCCofOldLyme | Announcements, Ministry
December 2nd, 5:30-6:30 pm. Hoag Parlor. All are welcome. For more information email Laura at...
by FCCofOldLyme | Announcements
We will meet on December 1st and 15th 10:00-11:00 am in the Library. Our TimeThis is a time of darknessWith hope straining.Illness, loss, anger, deathHope is straining to survive.Lies, conspiracies, splitting, divideHope pushes forward.Siblings struggle to remember...