Sunday School To Resume Sep. 12

Our “God’s Neighborhood” Sunday School program will resume on Sunday, Sep. 12, at 10:00 a.m. – meeting outside and wearing masks.  The focus this year will be reflecting on the message from Jesus in John 15:15, “I call you friends.”  Sunday School students will...

Masks at Worship Services

FCCOL is very carefully following the governor’s direction on public health and watching closely for any change that might be necessary as the days and weeks move forward. For now, we are asking that parishioners bring a mask with them to our worship services, as it...

Sunday, May 30, Outdoor Service Canceled

The Sunday, May 30, outdoor worship service has been canceled due to inclement weather, but you can still watch the 11:00 a.m. Sunday worship service live on YouTube.  The link for the YouTube livestream is here.  For those unable to watch the live service, a...