Worship Services
Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
We hold one worship service a week inside our historic Meetinghouse on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. The services are simultaneously livestreamed on YouTube.
Recordings of our worship services can be found in our Virtual Meetinghouse.
The Stations of the Cross and the Solentamine Community in Nicaragua On Display in the Meetinghouse
Praying with Art: The Stations of the Cross and the Solentamine Community in Nicaragua. Throughout the season of Lentwe...
Trans-Parent Support Group
Trans Parent Group For Parents, Caregivers and Family Members of Trans Youth/Young Adults: Our group will provide...
Adult Forum Presentation, Let’s Get Together by the Wheel Life Theater Troupe
From the Legacy Theater, Branford, CT. Sunday, March 23rd from 11:30-12:15. Let’s Get Together is an original piece of...
FCCOL Moth Stories and Potluck Supper: Friday, April 4th
Save the Date: Thursday, April 4th at 6:00 pm for our second Moth Stories Potluck Supper. at The First Congregational...
Dante ‘s Paradiso Group Reading
We will be reading Dante's Paradiso as a group, on Mondays at 6:30 pm in the Sheffield Auditorium. The schedule will look...
Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services (IRIS) Needs Our Financial Support!
On Wednesday evening, February 5th, at 6:00 pm, FCCOL hosted a candlelight vigil in support of IRIS, raising over...
Church Calendar
Our Virtual Meetinghouse is always open. Here you’ll find videos of our worship services and written copies of sermons – as well as our popular “Sacred Conversations” video series and “Adult Forum” video series; copies of church bulletins and newsletters; and other powerful church communications.