On Sunday, May 21st God’s Neighborhood leads the Congregation in Youth Sunday at the 10 am service. Each class will take part in the liturgy sharing some of their learning and experiences from the year. Come share in the enthusiasm of our students and be inspired by their insights. Join us after the service for a party on the front lawn as we celebrate our students, teachers, helpers and community!

“At that time Jesus said, “I thank you Lord of heaven and earth because you have hidden these things from the wise…and have revealed them to children.” — Matthew 11:25

Today marks the end of our formal Sunday School programming. Thank you to all of our teachers, student assistants, parents, families, mentors and Board of Youth Ed committee for your tireless dedication, creativity and support this year! You all make God’s Neighborhood a Neighborhood!

The nursery will remain open every Sunday. Starting June 11th, there will be arts and crafts projects available for our K-6th graders!