by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
“Hello Courage” Rev. Laura Fitzpatrick-NagerText: Daniel 6:6-23 I know it’s a long scripture story and not quite the sentimental Christmas narrative one might expect to hear on December 1st, but ….believe me the Lion’s Den has a lot to say to us!...
by FCCofOldLyme | Worship Services
Sunday Sermon: “Hello Courage” To see the bulletin for this service, click here. To read the sermon, click here....
by FCCofOldLyme | Adult Forums
You can view the Adult Forum from the Environmental Committee by Tom Sherer this past Sunday, November 17th, click below on the link. The topic is Climate is Changing – What Can We Do? Click Here ...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
“Revealed by Fire: Why the Institutional Church (Still) Matters, And How It Might Help” Rev. Dr. Steve Jungkeit Texts: Matthew 16: 13-18; I Corinthians 3: 10-13 It is true there is not enough beauty in the world. It is also true that I am not competent to...
by FCCofOldLyme | Worship Services
Sunday Sermon: “Revealed With Fire: Why The Institutional Church (Still) Matters, And How It Can Help” To see the bulletin for this service, click here. To read the sermon, click here....