by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
“Lessons Learned During a Period of Spiritual Dryness” Rev. Rebecca Crosby Texts: Psalm 77:1-3, Matthew 7:7-11, Mark 14:32-36 Lessons Learned During a Period of Spiritual Dryness In addition to our work granting scholarships and providing education in...
by FCCofOldLyme | Worship Services
Sunday Sermon: “Lessons Learned During a Period of Spiritual Dryness” To see the bulletin for this service, click here. To read the sermon click here....
by FCCofOldLyme | Adult Forums
On Sunday, September 22nd Stephen Barardo joined us as we discussed: “Voting- Why it is so difficult?” Voting is the key element of any democracy, and if a country cannot maintain public confidence that the voting process is fair and accurate, then...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
“If There When Grace Dances: Notes on Festivities and Play” Rev. Steve JungkeitThe First Congregational Church of Old LymeTexts: Psalm 137: 2-4, I Corinthians 1: 25 Most summers over the past decade, our family has found a way to visit New Orleans, where I...
by FCCofOldLyme | Worship Services
Sunday Sermon: “If There When Grace Dances: Notes on Festivities and Play” To see the bulletin for this service, click here. To read the sermon click here....