September 24th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Psalm 121; Matthew 16: 13-20 A Song of Ascent             What Plato is to philosophy, what the Sistine chapel is to painting, what Shakespeare is to drama, what Tolstoy is to the novel, what the Beatles and Dylan are to rock and roll, Mozart’s Don Giovanni is...

Sept 17th-Green Grass Reflections-Steve Jungkeit

Texts: “Let the Trees Be Consulted,” and “We Have Forgotten Who We Are” Stand by Me             I’ll conclude our series of reflections with what, to me, seems an improbable but true occurrence.  One of the traditions that’s emerged in our Green Grass visits these...

Sept 17th-Green Grass Reflections-Travelers

Green Grass Reflections from the Travelers Elsa Jungkeit’s Green Grass Reflections  The biggest reason I enjoy going to South Dakota is that I get to see old and new friends.  It was good to see my friends Angel, Jessie, and Aspen again.  We had fun beading...

September 10th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Romans 12: 1-2;  I Peter 2: 1-10 Everything I Do Is Gonh Be Funky (From Now On), or, Keeping Church Weird             To begin, a preview of sorts.  There’s a commercial that Starbucks put out a few years ago for one of its canned espresso drinks.  It’s...

September 3rd – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Genesis 7: 11-20; Matthew 14: 22-33 High Water Everywhere Today I wish to talk about baptism, about remembering our baptism.  We’ll get to that important ritual in a few minutes, but first, a story about songs and waters, blues and floods, baptism writ large. ...