August 27th – Steve Jungkeit

Texts: Psalm 23; Luke 15: 11-24 Thou Preparest a Table Before Me No audio available – sorry.             The day is May 24, 1942.  The morning finds a young German literature professor, named Daniel Decourdemanche in a German prison, composing a letter to his...

August 20th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: John 5: 1-9; I Corinthians 13: 1-13 “Take Up Your Mat and Walk” “Take up your mat and walk.” Those are the words that Jesus says to a paralyzed man that he encounters in the Gospel of John. Recall the scene. There’s a pool of water, with healing properties....

August 13th – David Good – with audio

Isaiah 11: 1-3, 6-9  Romans 12: 9-13 Matthew 19: 13-15 REFLECTIONS ON A STILL LIFE (ON FINDING THE L KEY, A LUNCH BUCKET, THE MYTH OF SYSYPHUS, A TEQUILA COMMUNION, PADDINGTON BEAR AND RUSTIC STEPS)             Today’s sermon probably could fall under the “Self-Help”...

August 6th – Carleen Gerber – with audio

Proverbs 29:18 Ezekiel 47:7-12 Psalm 23 Revelation 21:1-5 and 22:1&2 “In Difficult Times You Should Always Carry Something Beautiful in Your Mind” (Pascal)        On a recent sweltering summer day, as I hurried out of the Big Y parking, my eye spotted the...

July 30th – Joan Priest – with audio

8Mark 4:2-20  “Listen Up!”      “Listen! a sower went out to sow,” and right here Jesus begins to recite his very first parable.  Jesus used these brilliant picture stories, these extended metaphors, simple images, to explain something unexplainable, the Kingdom of...