God’s Neighborhood Trip to Ellis Island

On Tuesday, April 15th at 8:00 am we will be taking the train with our Youth Group into NYC in order to then take the ferry over to tour the Statue of Liberty and then the Ellis Island Museum. This will be an exciting learning experience for all of us where we will be...

Dante ‘s Paradiso Group Reading

We will be reading Dante’s Paradiso as a group, starting on Monday, February 24th at 6:30 pm in the Sheffield Auditorium. The schedule will look like this:  February 24, March 3, March 10, March 17 (no meeting – Steve’s in Cuba!), March 24, March 31,...

Blood Drive for the American Red Cross

There will be an American Red Cross Blood Drive at the First Congregation Church of Old Lyme on Thursday, February 13th from 1-6pm.  Please see the link below to make an appointment before arriving.What are the benefits of donating blood? reduce stress, improve your...

Save the Date: Faith and Science Potluck

Friday, February 21st at 6:00 pm is the first in a series of  Faith and Science Discussion Potluck Suppers. “Know What’s on Your Plate?  Exploring the Risks and Benefits of Genetic Engineering.” All are welcome (no science background required).  Bring a dish to share....