Adult Forum

Following the service on Sunday, October 15th, as part of our Brave Voices series this year, we’re looking forward to hosting Viacheslav “Slavik” Lytvynenko, Slavik of Ukraine. He’s currently at Yale Divinity School this year continuing his research through the...

Bible Study: The Book of Ruth

We’re deepening our study of the Book of Ruth from the Old Testament. In just four short chapters, there’s calamity, exile, gender issues, scandal, and sexualized stereotypes. Read on! Through her words and actions, the protagonist, Ruth, leads us to think beyond...

Youth Group Party

Middle and high schoolers, join us at the home of the Brant Family, 67 Whippoorwill Road, Old Lyme, from 4-6 pm on Sunday, September 24th. We’ll have some fun, eat pizza and plan our service projects for the coming year!...

Congregational Conversation

Join us on Sunday, September 24th for a congregation wide conversation after the worship service. We’ll gather in the Fellowship Hall at 11:30, and spend time reflecting together on the nature of our community. Among the topics we’ll discuss will be...

Writing at the Well

Join us on Friday, September 22, 10:00-11:30am, as we meet to write pages together.  Using informal writing prompts, participants give voice to memories and the stories that make up our lives. No writing experience necessary…just a willingness to pay attention...

Novelist Tom Piazza to visit FCCOL

Novelist Tom Piazza to visit FCCOL on Sunday, September 17th. Tom Piazza has been a long time friend of FCCOL.  His novel City of Refuge helped to inspire our refugee resettlement efforts, and he visited us in 2018 during our Sanctuary project, as we helped Malik,...

Our New Sexton!

We are very pleased to announce that Sean McCarty will be joining the church staff as our new Sexton. Sean and his family have been members of the church for almost 15 years and we are blessed to know each other well! Sean brings with him a wealth of experience and...

Ladies Benevolent Society Luncheon

The first LBS Luncheon of the season will be on Tuesday, September 12, noon to 2 pm. The luncheon meal and dessert will be followed at 1 pm by a program on Connecticut women who have shattered the glass ceilings long sheltering men working in science and health...

Welcome Jolene Brant!

We are delighted that church member Jolene Brant has joined our staff as our new Coordinator for Sunday School and Youth Group! She and her husband, Philip Brant, have two boys—Noah is 13 years old, and Anderson is 8 years old. They have lived in Old Lyme for six...

Homecoming Sunday

Homecoming Sunday is Sunday, September 10th at 10:00 am! God’s Neighborhood Sunday School program begins, and there will also be an Open House for families downstairs following the service. Our theme this year is called, Everyone’s Invited: Stories and Songs of...