March 2, 2025 Sermon

“The World House: Some Lessons from Pentecost”   Rev. Dr. Steven Jungkeit Text: Acts 2: 1-13 Were you to press me to name a favorite biblical story, I would respond without hesitation.  It is the story we just heard, the giving of the Holy Spirit in...

February 23, 2025 Sermon

“Up Above My Head, I Hear Music in the Air”   Rev. Dr. Steven Jungkeit Texts: Matthew 17: 1-9 Here’s a song made famous by Sister Rosetta Tharpe in 1947, a song that went on to become an anthem of the civil rights era:  Up above my head, I hear music...

February 16, 2025 Sermon

“If You Are Called to Anything, It will Sound like Freedom”   Rev. Laura Fitzpatrick-NagerTexts: Exodus 3: 1-12 Our scripture for today is known as the call of Moses from the book of Exodus…. The 2nd book of the bible, the Exodus, is that unfolding...

February 2, 2025 Sermon

“The Joy of Losing Control: A Different Kind of Church, Part II   Rev. Dr. Steven Jungkeit Texts: John 12: 1-3; John 13: 1-9 I’ll begin by revisiting some of the themes I laid out last week, when I spoke about the life and ministry of Jesus as the measure...

January 26, 2025 Sermon

“A Different Kind of Church” Rev. Dr. Steven Jungkeit Text: Matthew 7: 21-28; Matthew 25: 40  “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.” -Matthew 25: 40  It is, obviously, the Sunday...

January 19, 2025 Sermon

“Refusing to be Consoled” Rev. Dr. Steven Jungkeit Text: Matthew 2: 13-21 Over the last several months, we have often made reference to Miriam, the sister of Moses.  In Exodus 2, she hides in the bulrushes, standing at a distance while her baby brother...

January 12, 2025 Sermon

“Jazz” Rev. Laura Fitzpatrick-NagerTexts: Psalm 30: 1-4, 5b, 11-12, John 1:14, Luke 12:22-27, 29, 31 On a field trip to New York City a few days before the New Year, my cousin and I followed the directions of the tour guide to Edgecombe Avenue in the Sugar...

January 5, 2025 Sermon

“Not Every Spirit: The Power of Discernment” Rev. Dr. Steven JungkeitTexts: Matthew 2: 1-12; I John 4: 1, 16-21 “Not Every Spirit: On the Power of Discernment”              It is, of course, Epiphany Sunday, when Christians around the world...

December 29, 2024 A Christmas Story

“The Ghost Ships” By Angela Carter Therefore that whosoever shall be found observing any such day as Christmas or the like, either by forbearing of labor, feasting, or any other way upon any such account aforesaid, every person so offending shall pay for...

December 15, 2024 Sermon

“Let Us Go Now to Bethlehem: Nativity and the Constraints of Freedom” Rev. Dr. Steven JungkeitText: Luke 2: 15-16, Philippians 2: 4-7, Galatians 5: 13-23 (The Message)      I was awoken in the middle of the night by a hymn this past week.  I had a lot on...

December 8, 2024 Sermon

“Our Justice” Dr. Mark Braverman Texts: Jeremiah 33:14-16, Luke 3:1-6, Malachi 3:1-4 I love this place. I want to thank Steve for the precious gift of this pulpit this morning. Years ago — it was probably back in 2007 not long after I had begun...

December 1, 2024 Sermon

“Hello Courage” Rev. Laura Fitzpatrick-NagerText: Daniel 6:6-23 I know it’s a long scripture story and not quite the sentimental Christmas narrative one might expect to hear on December 1st, but ….believe me the Lion’s Den has a lot to say to us!...

November 24, 2024 Sermon

“Revealed by Fire: Why the Institutional Church (Still) Matters, And How It Might Help” Rev. Dr. Steve Jungkeit Texts: Matthew 16: 13-18; I Corinthians 3: 10-13 It is true there is not enough beauty in the world. It is also true that I am not competent to...

November 10, 2024 Sermon

“Down By the Riverside, from Generation to Generation” Rev. Dr. Steve Jungkeit and Rev. Gregg Carlson Texts: Exodus 2: 1-4; Luke 1: 49-50 Let me begin by saying that I’m honored to be sharing the pulpit this morning with Rev. Gregg Carlson.  As you’ve now...

November 3, 2024 Sermon

“Reflections on the Run and the Sharing of Dignity over Quiche and Coffee” The Rev. Laura Fitzpatrick-Nager Texts: Ezekiel 36:26, Mark 8:1-10  I don’t know how many of you subscribe to Snapchat but this might well be described as a Snapchat sermon....