by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
More Faithful In This Present Crucial Hour Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Isaiah 43: 1-3, 18-19; Jeremiah 19: 10-12; John 14: 1-6 September 12, 2021 I have a special message for each of the populations gathered in the Meetinghouse...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
Old Growth Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8; Matthew 16: 1-3 September 5, 2021 On occasion, I hear an opinion from one or another member of this community that I’m sure is exceedingly rare. The service was good,...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
Unbow Your Head Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Exodus 19: 3-6; Psalm 121; Matthew 15: 29-31 August 29, 2021 One of the trickier moments in ministry – at least for me – occurs just about this time every year. After some time away,...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
Conversations at the Well: I’ll Meet You There Rev. Laura Fitzpatrick-NagerThe First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Philippians 4: 8-9; John 4:3-19, 25-26, 28-30 August 8, 2021 “Where do you get that living water?” (John 4:11) The other morning on my walk,...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
In the Spirit of Soup Joumou Rebecca Crosby The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Romans 12: 9-20; Ephesians 4: 1-6 June 25, 2021 Several weeks ago, we celebrated our Independence Day with traditional picnics, parades, and fireworks. It was great to...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
Public Art: What Did Jesus Draw In The Sand? David W. Good The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Ecclesiastes 1: 1-15; John 8: 1-12 June 18, 2021 One of the most dramatic stories in the bible is the story about how Jesus stood between a woman “caught in...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
In Praise of the Lowly Hummingbird Carleen Gerber The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Psalm 24:1-2, 9-10; Job (selected verses from 38-42); Revelation 21:1-5 July 11, 2021 About two weeks ago, the Pacific Northwest lay nearly paralyzed under what...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
The Living Water We Share (a sermon by Ashley Makar) A few summers ago, a Sudanese woman named Azhar invited me to a 4th-of-July picnic with her family and friends. They were fasting for Ramadan. The sun would set at 8:40, just enough time to do iftar before the...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
Stray Pieces: Where All Things Lost Are Made Good Again Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme June 27, 2021 Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart,and try to love the questions themselves,like locked rooms and like booksthat are now...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
A Story of Departures and Returns Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Psalm 133; Zechariah 10: 6-8; Philippians 4: 4-7 June 13, 2021 During the colder months of spring, an interesting drama took place behind the parsonage, one that came...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
“We here resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain”: Reflections on Memorial Day Carleen Gerber The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Exodus 3:1-12; Acts 2:17; John 15:5-17 May 29, 2021 The celebration of Memorial Day began in...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
The Heart of a Heartless World Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Luke 1: 46-55; Luke 3: 1-3, 10-14; Acts 2: 1-4, 43-47 May 23, 2021 Churches around the world today mark what is called Pentecost Sunday, the 7th week after Easter. ...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
Why Church? Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Text: I Corinthians 12: 14-26 May 16, 2021 It’s been a full service – more than full – and so I’ve promised to be very brief. If some Sundays the wish is to swing for the fences, other...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
On Feeding, Mothering & Miracles Rev. Laura Fitzpatrick-Nager The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme John 6: 1-14 May 9th, 2021 Next month, we’ll be attending the graduation of our godson Emmet from Northwestern University. I keep flashing on images of him...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
You Took My Joy, I Want It Back Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Luke 15: 1-10; Matthew 13: 44-46 May 2, 2021 I don’t want you anymore, you took my joy.I don’t want you anymore, you took my joy.You took my joy, I want it back.You...