by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
But Deliver Us from Evil Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Matthew 17: 14-20; Matthew 6:9-13 April 26, 2021 What I wish to offer today amounts to an extended meditation on words we say every week in our worship service in the Lord’s...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
A Sacrament for the Weary[1] Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Mark 6: 1-13; Matthew 11: 28-30 April 18, 2021 There’s a book that generations of parents have read to their children. If parents haven’t been the ones reading it, then...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
Know Their Names: Witnessing on Lyme Street Sermon: Know Their Names: Witnessing on Lyme Street Luke 24:13-35 Habakkuk 2:11a 4/11/21 I stood on the lawn with my nephew, Fitz, and witnessed with joy his 9th birthday party drive-by a few weeks ago. He was dressed in...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
You are Not a Ghost Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Luke 24: 1-12; 36-43 April 4, 2021: Easter Sunday We’ve been waiting for you. We’ve been preparing for this moment for a while now, getting ready for your arrival. We had to figure...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
One Breath Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Mark 11: 1-11; I Corinthians 2: 9-12 March 28, 2021 Here’s a scene that occurs with some frequency every time my kids are swimming at a pool. It’s a scene that bears upon Palm Sunday, and...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
Against Purity (For Complexity)[1] Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Genesis 3: 22-24; Matthew 12: 1-14; John 8: 2-11 March 21, 2021 There is something that I have been turning over in my mind for a long time now, a tasty morsel of...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
“It is I you have been looking for”: Meditations on the Pandemic, the Book of Ruth and the Practice of Kindness beyond Borders The Rev. Laura Fitzpatrick-Nager The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Ruth 1:1-22 March 14th, 2021 I begin this morning with...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
Wheels of Justice: Stories from the Deep North, Part VII Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: 2 Samuel 6: 1-5, 14-19; Matthew 13: 1-9 March 7, 2021 Our Wheels journey is rolling into its final stops today. We’ll be visiting two places...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
Wheels of Justice: Stories from the Deep North, Part VI Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Acts 9: 1-19 February 28, 2021 We’re coming in for a landing on our Wheels of Justice series – a mixed metaphor, I know. We can actually see the...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
Wheels of Justice: Stories from the Deep North, Part V Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Text: John 3: 1-10 February 21, 2021 One of the most famous, if least understood, stories in all of the New Testament, takes place under cover of night. ...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
Wheels of Justice: Stories from the Deep North, Part IV Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Matthew 23: 1-12, 27-28; Mark 4: 22-23 February 14, 2021 By way of introduction to this week’s stories from the Deep North, I’d like to recall a...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
Wheels of Justice: Stories from the Deep North, Part III Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Text: Psalm 137 February 7, 2021 Picture first a boy, not yet out of high school, standing on the edge of the Atlantic. He is in West Africa, at the...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
Wheels of Justice: Stories from the Deep North, Part II Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Job 21: 7-13; Joel 2: 12-13a; Matthew 20: 16 January 31, 2021 We’re in the second week of a sermon series called Wheels of Justice: Stories...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
Wheels of Justice: Stories from the Deep North, Part I Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme January 24, 2021 Some twenty years ago, Paul Thomas Anderson released the film Magnolia, which followed a series of characters across several days. Two...
by FCCofOldLyme | Sermons
Withstanding the Furnace of Truth Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Daniel 3 January 17, 2021 A trial by fire and a trial by water – these two stand before us, confronting, challenging, instructing, and inspiring. First, the trial by...