April 25, 2021 Sermon

But Deliver Us from Evil Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Matthew 17: 14-20; Matthew 6:9-13 April 26, 2021 What I wish to offer today amounts to an extended meditation on words we say every week in our worship service in the Lord’s...

April 18, 2021 Sermon

A Sacrament for the Weary[1] Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Mark 6: 1-13; Matthew 11: 28-30 April 18, 2021 There’s a book that generations of parents have read to their children.  If parents haven’t been the ones reading it, then...

April 11, 2021 Sermon

Know Their Names: Witnessing on Lyme Street  Sermon: Know Their Names: Witnessing on Lyme Street Luke 24:13-35 Habakkuk 2:11a 4/11/21 I stood on the lawn with my nephew, Fitz, and witnessed with joy his 9th birthday party drive-by a few weeks ago. He was dressed in...

April 4, 2021 Sermon

You are Not a Ghost Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Luke 24: 1-12; 36-43 April 4, 2021: Easter Sunday We’ve been waiting for you.  We’ve been preparing for this moment for a while now, getting ready for your arrival.  We had to figure...

March 28, 2021 Sermon

One Breath  Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Mark 11: 1-11; I Corinthians 2: 9-12 March 28, 2021 Here’s a scene that occurs with some frequency every time my kids are swimming at a pool.  It’s a scene that bears upon Palm Sunday, and...

March 21, 2021 Sermon

Against Purity (For Complexity)[1] Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Genesis 3: 22-24; Matthew 12: 1-14; John 8: 2-11 March 21, 2021 There is something that I have been turning over in my mind for a long time now, a tasty morsel of...

March 14, 2021 Sermon

“​It is I you have been looking for”​: ​Meditations on the Pandemic, the Book of Ruth and the Practice of Kindness beyond Borders The Rev. Laura Fitzpatrick-Nager The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Ruth 1:1-22 March 14th, 2021 I begin this morning with...

March 7, 2021 Sermon

Wheels of Justice: Stories from the Deep North, Part VII  Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: 2 Samuel 6: 1-5, 14-19; Matthew 13: 1-9 March 7, 2021 Our Wheels journey is rolling into its final stops today.  We’ll be visiting two places...

February 28, 2021 Sermon

Wheels of Justice: Stories from the Deep North, Part VI  Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Acts 9: 1-19 February 28, 2021 We’re coming in for a landing on our Wheels of Justice series – a mixed metaphor, I know.  We can actually see the...

February 21, 2021 Sermon

Wheels of Justice: Stories from the Deep North, Part V Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Text: John 3: 1-10 February 21, 2021 One of the most famous, if least understood, stories in all of the New Testament, takes place under cover of night. ...

February 14, 2021 Sermon

Wheels of Justice: Stories from the Deep North, Part IV  Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Matthew 23: 1-12, 27-28; Mark 4: 22-23 February 14, 2021  By way of introduction to this week’s stories from the Deep North, I’d like to recall a...

February 7, 2021 Sermon

Wheels of Justice: Stories from the Deep North, Part III Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Text: Psalm 137 February 7, 2021 Picture first a boy, not yet out of high school, standing on the edge of the Atlantic.  He is in West Africa, at the...

January 31, 2021 Sermon

Wheels of Justice: Stories from the Deep North, Part II  Steve Jungkeit  The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme  Texts: Job 21: 7-13; Joel 2: 12-13a; Matthew 20: 16  January 31, 2021  We’re in the second week of a sermon series called Wheels of Justice: Stories...

January 24, 2021 Sermon

Wheels of Justice: Stories from the Deep North, Part I  Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme January 24, 2021 Some twenty years ago, Paul Thomas Anderson released the film Magnolia, which followed a series of characters across several days.  Two...

January 17, 2021 Sermon

Withstanding the Furnace of Truth  Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Daniel 3 January 17, 2021  A trial by fire and a trial by water – these two stand before us, confronting, challenging, instructing, and inspiring.  First, the trial by...