October 27th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Isaiah 53: 1-4a; I Corinthians 1: 28 On Marigolds, Blue Eyes, and Beauty Unheeded A book is a pathway of marigold petals.  In Mexico, on the Day of the Dead, marigold petals are placed on the ground to help the departed to find their way back to the land of the...

October 13th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Exodus 19: 1-6; Isaiah 40: 3; Luke 4: 1-14   Whatever Happened to Solitude: Wilderness, the Divine, and the Invitation to Digital Minimalism             It might be that the most powerful wisdom we gain in life comes from our encounters with wilderness. ...

October 6th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

We’re pleased to have Joseph Kazadi assisting with the sermon this morning. Joseph and his family (Martine, Maryam, Drysile, and Joe) emigrated from the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2016, and have been living in Old Lyme since 2018. Their story is featured in...

September 8th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Matthew 4: 18-22; I Peter 2: 4-10 Building a Bridge from Sunday to Monday             The other day I attended a community gathering to speak about the work of resettling refugees that we and the two other churches in town have undertaken together.  I loved...

September 1st – Steve Jungkeit

Texts: Luke 5: 17-20; Galatians 6: 2 A Few Thoughts on Beginning, Born at the Finish Line   Bear one another’s burdens with gladness. St. Paul, Letter to the Galatians               To begin, an image.  It’s born from the early chapters in the Gospel of...

August 18th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Psalm 8; Psalm 24: 1-6 Two Pathways Toward Wonder   “Two things fill the mind with awe and wonder: the starry heavens above, and the moral law within.”  So said Immanuel Kant in 1788, at the end of his book of ethics, The Critique of Practical Reason.  Kant was...

August 11th – David Good – with audio

Today we were pleased to welcome back to the pulpit our Minister Emeritus Rev. David W.Good, who was our beloved Senior Minister for 37 years from 1976 through 2012. A TRIBUTE TO ST. PAUL, A TENTMAKER FROM TARSUS  BY PHIL O. DENDRON (AKA David W. Good) Acts 17: 22-28...