September 8th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Matthew 4: 18-22; I Peter 2: 4-10 Building a Bridge from Sunday to Monday             The other day I attended a community gathering to speak about the work of resettling refugees that we and the two other churches in town have undertaken together.  I loved...

September 1st – Steve Jungkeit

Texts: Luke 5: 17-20; Galatians 6: 2 A Few Thoughts on Beginning, Born at the Finish Line   Bear one another’s burdens with gladness. St. Paul, Letter to the Galatians               To begin, an image.  It’s born from the early chapters in the Gospel of...

August 18th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Psalm 8; Psalm 24: 1-6 Two Pathways Toward Wonder   “Two things fill the mind with awe and wonder: the starry heavens above, and the moral law within.”  So said Immanuel Kant in 1788, at the end of his book of ethics, The Critique of Practical Reason.  Kant was...

August 11th – David Good – with audio

Today we were pleased to welcome back to the pulpit our Minister Emeritus Rev. David W.Good, who was our beloved Senior Minister for 37 years from 1976 through 2012. A TRIBUTE TO ST. PAUL, A TENTMAKER FROM TARSUS  BY PHIL O. DENDRON (AKA David W. Good) Acts 17: 22-28...

August 4th – Scott Harris – with audio

Today we welcomed to the pulpit church member Rev. Scott L. Harris. Scott is a retired Lutheran minister and last served as Senior Pastor at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Stamford. Scott is the Co-Chair of the Refugee Resettlement Committee and his wife, Karen, is a...

July 21st – Carleen R. Gerber – with audio

Genesis 1:1-31 & 2:1-3 Revelation 22:13 I Love to Tell the Story: In the Beginning, God…            This summer we have embarked upon a series of sermons telling- and re-telling – the great stories of the Bible.   Remembering the wisdom of the German Theologian,...

July 7th – Carleen Gerber – with audio

Daniel 3:14-28 and 30 Ephesians 1:16&17 I Love to Tell the Story: Revisiting Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego       The Bible is a treasure trove of stories.  And this summer we hope to explore some of those stories together, and think together about what lessons...

June 30th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Micah 6; Matthew 25 The Ghost of Tom Joad, Revisited Today I’d like to share a story about something that happened here at the church several weeks ago. It’s a story that has implications concerning some of the hard truths we’re being forced to confront in our...

June 23rd – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Text: Romans 12: 1-3 In Praise of Steadiness             A few months ago I had the experience of returning to the church in New Haven where Rachael and I attended for many years.  It had been a place that had nurtured and formed us during some crucial years in our...

June 2nd – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Daniel 1; I Corinthians 6 Let Food Be Thy Medicine             I’ve borrowed my sermon title this morning from the ancient words of Hippocrates, that Greek sage credited with the founding of medical study and practice.  “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine...