September 24, 2023 Sermon

On Gifts, Giving, and Generosity[1] Steve JungkeitThe First Congregational Church of Old LymeTexts: Matthew 21: 12-13; Luke 8: 1-3; John 19: 38-42; Romans 16: 1-2September 24, 2023 In the middle of the 19th century, a curious phenomenon took place here in New England....

September 10, 2023 Sermon

A Church for the Nones, the Somes, and the All-Ins Steve JungkeitThe First Congregational Church of Old LymeTexts: Mark 2: 23-28September 10, 2023 Well, the children have descended to their realm downstairs, the prayers have been spoken, and the Scripture read. That...

September 3, 2023 Sermon

A Meditation on Low-Flying Turkeys, the Kindness of Strangers and the Joy of Dispossession Carleen Gerber The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Isaiah 65:17-23 & 25b; Matthew 6:19-21; John 12:1-8 September 3, 2022 This weekend we celebrate what has...

August 27, 2023 Sermon

Ancestral Blessings Steve JungkeitThe First Congregational Church of Old LymeTexts: Genesis 49: 22-26; Luke 2: 25-35; Matthew 28: 20bAugust 27, 2023 To begin, I’d like to describe a scene that takes place late in Dante’s Divine Comedy. It’s found midway through the...

August 20, 2023 Sermon

Jesus: Cold, Nasty, Irritating Pat SpeerThe First Congregational Church of Old LymeTexts: Isaiah 56: 1, 6-8; Matthew 15: 21-28 August 20, 2023 Wow. It’s one thing to give an angry, lay Catholic a pulpit. But one ten feet in the air? I feel up moved from up here to...

August 13, 2023 Sermon

Blues Falling Down Like Hail: Reflections at 12,000 Feet Steve JungkeitThe First Congregational Church of Old LymeTexts: Psalm 90: 1-2; Psalm 91: 1-6; Revelation 21: 1-3August 13, 2023 I got to keep moving, got to keep moving,Blues fallin down like hail.-Robert...

July 30, 2023 Sermon

Ode to a Trembling Giant and Other Inconceivable Surprises Laura Fitzpatrick-Nager The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Psalm 8; John 15:5, a-c; Canticle of the Creatures by St. Francis of Assisi July 30, 2023 Ode to a Trembling Giant and Other...

July 23, 2023 Sermon

Hope from Nuremberg Rebecca CrosbyThe First Congregational Church of Old LymeTexts: Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-9, 1; Ephesians 2:12-22July 23, 2023 In May, Ted and I enjoyed a river cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest. For 16 days, we traveled on the Rhine, the Main Canal, and...

June 25, 2023 Sermon

What’s Love Got to Do with It: Listening for the Sound of the Genuine Laura Fitzpatrick-Nager The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Jeremiah 17:7-8, Mark 2:1-12 (NRSVUE) June 25, 2023 The flight was packed. People from all over the world, speaking...

June 11, 2023 Sermon

What Do We Talk About When We Talk About God?  Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Acts 17: 22-28 June 11, 2023  Preachers have quite the pick of headlines to choose from this week. We might use this Sunday as an opportunity to reflect...

June 4, 2023 Sermon

In This House, On This Morning, or, Why Church Matters Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Psalm 145: 1-7; 2 Timothy 1: 3-7, 11-14 June 4, 2023 To begin, here’s a shout-out for all the folks who did Box Night last night.  And it’s a shout...

May 28, 2023 Sermon

A Parade of Spirits: And Everyone Was Filled Laura Fitzpatrick-Nager The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Acts 2:1-12 May 28, 2023  My husband Paul and I got out of the taxi at the American Military Cemetery in Florence, Italy. I was on my sabbatical and...

May 7, 2023 Sermon

Original Blessings and Original Sins: Lessons from Different Creation Stories Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Genesis 3: 1-7, 13; Skywoman Falling: An Indigenous Creation Myth May 7, 2023 Here’s a strange little something that...

April 30, 2023 Sermon

Standing on Sacred Ground: Considering the Land and its People Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Text: Exodus 3: 1-5; Pablo Neruda, Keeping Quiet April 30, 2023 You might say that what we’re doing this morning began this past autumn, during an...

April 16, 2023 Sermon

Meet Me at the Wrecking Ball: A Plea for a Secular Christianity Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Matthew 27: 50-51; John 12: 20-26 April 16, 2023 Few voices get to me the way Emmylou Harris’s does when she sings “Wrecking Ball.” It’s a...