September 25, 2022 Sermon

Days of Bread and Roses Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Text: Matthew 6: 19-21; Philippians 4: 8-9 September 25, 2022  Our business manager shared a story the other day that I thought was worth repeating this morning.  He told me about a...

September 18, 2022 Sermon

Palenque! Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Text: Exodus 13: 17-22; Matthew 4: 23-25; John 1: 43-46 September 18, 2022  In the middle of August, I had occasion to visit a music school on the outskirts of Buenaventura, a port town on Colombia’s...

September 11, 2022 Sermon

Be Happy Whenever You Can Manage It Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Text: Genesis 1: 1-2; 26-31 September 11, 2022  “In the beginning, God created…” So begins the King James Version of the Bible. Or, as Eugene Peterson’s translation, The...

September 4, 2022 Sermon

Struggle at the Jabbok: Lessons of an Ancient Wrestling Match Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Text: Genesis 32: 22-32 September 4, 2022  “What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?” That’s one of the most famous questions in all of theology,...

August 28, 2022 Sermon

Turn Back! Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Text: Luke 15: 11-24 August 28, 2022  We got as far as Cleveland, and then we turned around. It had been a full and busy year, and we had looked forward to regrouping as a family, and to exploring...

August 21, 2022 Sermon

Ode to Joy Laura Fitzpatrick-Nager The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Text: John 2:1-11 August 21, 2022  Yesterday, I had the pleasure of officiating at a wedding for a couple of grooms from Stamford, CT. They were beautiful in their suit coats and corsages!...

August 14, 2022 Sermon

Blessed are the Peacemakers Laura Fitzpatrick-Nager The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Text: Matthew 5:1-12 August 14, 2022  “Today, I set before you blessing and cursing.Choose blessing so that you may live.”-Deuteronomy 30:19 “We all have a story to tell.”...

August 7, 2022 Sermon

Navigating Turbulent Waters Catherine Zall The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Text: Mark 8:34-35 August 7, 2022    34 He called the crowd with his disciples and said to them, “If any wish to come after me, let them deny themselves and take up their cross...

July 31, 2022 Sermon

Take Heart: Love Comes in at the Eye Laura Fitzpatrick-Nager The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Mark 10:46-52 July 31, 2022  For the first couple of weeks after returning from Ireland, I’d open my front door and wonder where the mountains were. I’d...

July 10, 2022 Sermon

Shelter From the Storm Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Psalm 90: 1-2; Luke 13: 34b; Matthew 7: 24-27 July 10, 2022  Nine years ago our family had just moved into the parsonage when the White Elephant Sale came around. I had heard a...

July 3, 2022 Sermon

The Quality Of Mercy Is Not Strained Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: John 8: 2-12 July 3, 2022  Two paintings hang in the Hoag Parlor that often catch my eye. They commemorate performances of Shakespeare plays that were directed by...

June 5, 2022 Sermon

In the Belly of the Whale Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old LymeTexts: Jonah 1 and 2 (selected verses); Matthew 12: 38-40 June 5, 2022  Several months ago I shared a story in our newsletter that has continued to captivate me. Since I’m not sure how...

May 29, 2022 Sermon

THE ANCIENT PATHS: WHERE ARE THE CAIRNS THAT CAN LEAD US TO THE KIN-DOM OF GOD? David Good The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Text: Psalm 137 1-4; Jeremiah 6:13-16; Matthew 5: 1-16 May 29, 2022  A number of years ago we spent some glorious time up in...

May 15, 2022 Sermon

In the Midst of New Dimensions: The Time That Jesus Was Corrected[1] Steve Jungkeit The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Text: Mark 7: 24-30 May 15, 2022  It’s a troubling, and maybe confusing story that we just heard. We tend to imagine that Jesus was all...

May 8, 2022 Sermon

Practicing Hope Rebecca Crosby The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme Texts: Jeremiah 32: 9-15; Ephesians 1:17-18; Romans 8:22-25 May 8, 2022 Today we are going to contemplate the nature of Hope. Hope has been fleeting these last few years with the Covid pandemic...