Join us for a Haitian Dinner!

If you would like to learn more about our work in Haiti, please join us Sunday, May 19th at 5:30pm at the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme for a presentation and an authentic “Haitian Dinner” prepared and catered by Mommy’s Restaurant of Norwich. For reservations please call the church at 860-434-8686. Suggested donation: $10 per person.

Dear Friends of The Crosby Fund,

As many of you know, in recent weeks the people of Haiti have been experiencing unprecedented gang violence in its capital city Port au Prince, as well across many parts of the country. To a lesser degree this violence has spread to some communities in the rural Artibonite Valley. Our staff is safe, and although universities in Port au Prince have temporarily closed, our offices and neighboring Artibonite Valley primary and secondary schools remain open. We are in daily communication with our staff and have implemented safety protocols throughout our organization. 


Though much of the news coming out of Haiti is dire, we are heartened by the increasing regional and international demands that action be taken. With the recent announcement that Prime Minister Ariel Henry will be stepping down after an interim government is in place, we are hopeful this will pave the way for a newly elected government and the commencement of proposed international interventions.   


Now more than ever, our work in education and our commitment to these young people and their communities continues unabated. If you have any questions at all, please contact me at:


With gratitude for your support and hope for the future, 


Rebecca Crosby