in conversation with
celebrating the publication by Haymarket Press of
Haunted by Slavery: A Southern White Woman in the Freedom Struggle
Thursday, May 13, 2021 / via Zoom / 8 pm Eastern Time
Throughout the winter and into the spring, we’ve explored the history of enslavement in New England, in Connecticut, and in Old Lyme, an exploration that has led to some profound and sometimes troubling questions. Other parts of the country have been doing that for a while now, and have insights that we can apply to our own situation. Gwendolyn Midlo Hall is a scholar who, at 98, just published a memoir entitled “Haunted by Slavery.” Hall has lived a fascinating life, and she did groundbreaking work documenting the Africans that entered the United States via one of its major ports in Louisiana. She helped to shift historical research from focusing on settlers in the young nation to telling the stories of those who were forcibly brought here as captives, and documenting their existence in Africa prior to captivity, and here in the United States after the rupture. It’s the kind of work that’s only now beginning to emerge in New England. We stand to learn a great deal from this conversation, including how Midlo Hall’s research shaped her activism. Click on this link to pre-register for the event, which is hosted by Ned Sublette of Postmambo Studies.