May 12th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Proverbs 8 Oh Mercy To begin, a series of questions: Where do you experience awe?  When have you experienced wonder?  Have there been moments in your life that have made you feel as though you’re in the presence of something holy, something sacred?  Have there...

April 21st – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: John 20: 1-10; I Corinthians 1: 18-21, 26-31 The Doorway Out of the Tomb             There’s an opening in the tomb, but he can’t get to it.  There’s an exit, but he’s unable to move toward it.  He sits inside that enclosed space, the heavy walls reflecting all...

April 14th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Matthew 21: 1-11; Matthew 25: 31-46 Dreams of a Parish House: Revisited I won’t be preaching the sermon I intended today.  It’s the final Sunday of Lent, and I had hoped to return to the theme of healing in its many different connotations this morning.  I had...

March 24th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Text: Mark 9: 14-29 The Faces of Healing: Lord I Believe (Help My Unbelief)             Here’s a story of healing that I encountered a few years ago about the relationship between healing and belief.  Some years ago, an academic friend that I got to know through...

March 17th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Psalm 30: 1-3, 11-12; Mark 1: 29-34 The Faces of Healing             Lent traditionally begins with Jesus entering into the wilderness to confront his own temptations, after which he emerges to begin his public ministry.  Mark’s was the first of the Gospels to...