
Wednesday, December 14th from 5:30-6:30. The holidays can be a particularly challenging time for caregiving. We’ll offer support, shared wisdom and seasonal goodies to lighten your heart along the way. All are welcome! With Laura Fitzpatrick-Nager and Mary...

Bible Study

Bible Study will continue on Thursdays from 11-12 in person and on Zoom on December 1st, 8th and 15th. On December 15th, Becky Crosby will present on the artistic depictions of the Nativity or birth of Jesus, celebrated at Christmas. They are based on the narratives...

Caregivers Group  

Thursday, November 17th from 5:30-6:30 pm in Hoag Parlor.  “This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival.” -Rumi A monthly group for those challenged by taking care of a loved one. Come for conversation, shared wisdom and tea! With Laura...

Caregivers Group  

“Courage is what love looks like when tested by the simple everyday necessities of being alive.” -David Whyte A monthly group for those challenged by taking care of a loved one. Come for conversation, shared wisdom and tea! We’ll meet on Wednesday, October 19th from...

Caregivers Group: September 21st

“It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.”-Padraig O’Tuama A monthly group for those challenged by taking care of a loved one. Come for conversation, shared wisdom and tea! Starting Wednesday, September 21st, from 11-12 in Hoag Parlor. With Laura...