August 19th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Luke 11: 1-4; Colossians 3: 16; Romans 8: 26 “Different Ways to Pray”             One of the strange things about the task of preaching (and there are many strange things about it) is how to begin again after falling out of a regular rhythm. It feels a little...

August 12th – David Good – with audio

 This morning we welcomed back The Rev. David W. Good to our pulpit. David serves as our Minister Emeritus and was our beloved Senior Minister from 1975 to 2012. Genesis 22: 1-14                                     Revelation 21: 1-5 A FEW THEOPHANIES: INSPIRED BY...

August 5th – Scott Harris – with audio

This morning we welcomed and thank The Rev. Scott Harris to our pulpit. Scott is a retired Lutheran pastor and last served as Senior Pastor at St. John’s Lutheran, Stamford. Besides serving in parishes in Wisconsin and Long Island, Scott and his wife, Karen, lived in...

July 29th – Carleen Gerber – with audio

Leviticus 19:33 Acts 28:1-6 I Corinthians 14:11 Hebrews 13:2 Shipwrecked on the Island of Malta; A Meditation on Donkeys, Solar Farms and Human Kindness            The Aegean Sea is a magnificent body of water.  In warmer weather the sun light shimmers off of an azure...

July 1st – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Matthew 25: 1-13; John 21: 1-14 “Keep Your Lamp Trimmed and Burning”             You may or may not see it.  You may not notice it Sunday by Sunday.  But every time we gather in this space, a small flame burns just below the pulpit for the duration of our...

June 17th – Mazin Qumsiyeh – audio

This morning we welcomed Mazin Qumsiyeh, former Yale Professor, now a distinguished professor at Bethlehem University and founder of the Palestine Museum of Natural History. Mazin has been a mentor to Tree of Life from its inception and is an honored member of our...

June 10th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Isaiah 58: 9b-12; Psalm 55:8; I Corinthians 13: 1-13 “Gimme Shelter”             I begin this morning with two extra-canonical pieces of Scripture.  The first is a gorgeous speech from Shakespeare’s King Lear.  Lear has lost nearly everything – his throne, his...

June 3rd – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Genesis 1: 26-31; Romans 14: 1-12 Death and Dignity: On Life’s Great Decisions             Several weeks ago, a story in the New York Times caught my attention.  It had to do with an Australian scientist named David Goodall, who had flown to Switzerland in...

May 20th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Text: Acts 2: 1-21 The Gifts and Challenges of Pentecost             In addition to being Children’s Sunday, in addition to being New Members Sunday, today is also, for those of you who pay attention to such things, Pentecost Sunday.  My comments this morning will be...

May 13th – Steve Jungkeit – with audio

Texts: Matthew 3: 13-17; Matthew 13: 44-45; 2 Corinthians 4: 5-7 Becoming the Beloved A passage from the New Testament that we need to return to often is found in Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians.  We have this treasure, Paul writes, and indeed, I can think of...