Save the Date!  

Friday October 28th 9:30-3:00 Come to the Water: Resilient Spirits Retreat Mercy Center, Madison, CT   What keeps our spirits resilient, even in times of upheaval? The past few years have challenged us, and we have also found resilience within ourselves. This...

Caregivers Group  

“Courage is what love looks like when tested by the simple everyday necessities of being alive.” -David Whyte A monthly group for those challenged by taking care of a loved one. Come for conversation, shared wisdom and tea! We’ll meet on Wednesday, October 19th from...

Caregivers Group: September 21st

“It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.”-Padraig O’Tuama A monthly group for those challenged by taking care of a loved one. Come for conversation, shared wisdom and tea! Starting Wednesday, September 21st, from 11-12 in Hoag Parlor. With Laura...

We Would Like Your Help!

We would very much like to have some additional volunteers help to count and prepare the weekly deposit from the Sunday morning offerings. Our accounting policy calls for people to do the counting that are separate from those who do the bookkeeping and delivery to the...

Pottery Kids

Walt’s Pottery Studio continued this summer with youth classes in the evening and adult practice throwing on Tuesday mornings. The youth pottery (grades 6-12) class was part of the “Lymes Creative Arts” initiative, a partnership between Sustainable...

Come for Lunch!  

The Ladies Benevolent Society will be serving a delicious homemade lunch at Noon on Tuesday, September 13th. The cost of the luncheon is $5.00 with a canned good for the Shoreline Food Pantry. The Ladies Who Stitch will sell their creations. Come join us on Tuesday,...

Ladies Who Stitch

We will be back at work in the Sheffield Auditorium from 10:00 am-2:00 pm beginning Monday, September 12th. Visitors, shoppers, and new stitchers (knitting, crocheting, sewing, etc.) are always welcome. The Partnership Store, offering goods and creations from...

It’s NOT a Want, It’s a NEED  

On average, a baby needs 10 diaper changes per day. A family may be put in a terrible spot to buy food or diapers. Without diapers, a family may use paper towels, newspapers, plastic bags, or reuse diapers for their baby. A baby without the basic supply of diapers may...